CITY OF GOD by Michael Johnston
well .I was hoping for more but you can get others saying how great a film is and your expectations are too high ,but its a thought provoking film that does keep you thinking long after but its sooo grim ,I know that's the point but not liking any of the characters( bar 1) makes it harder to care when they (eventually) die,its a nightmare world were watching and the choices for all seem kill or be killed,hits a bit harder when I realised at the end its a true story and when you see the kids with no idea what they re doing is heartbreaking,I "enjoyed" it but theres better in that vein,and I realise that for every "city of god" I watch I have to watch 5 "man of steel" so I don't slit my wrists and get some faith in humanity again,its not a film you can watch anytime but we need films like it !
CITY OF GOD by Kudos
I have no faith in humanity so that wasn't a bridge I had to cross but as a snapshot of how humanity does "evil" things it hit hard, needless violence does nothing for me but the lingering thought after watching COG is how thin the veneer of civilised behaviour is, how many steps is any of us away from the same actions when we or our family and friends are threatened with no chance of any protection from anyone else, the walking dead treads the same is not a Teflon film so will stick with you
Friday, 31 January 2014
If you have read the book or even seen the original BBC series you may want to steer clear of this movie. It does twist the plot to fit. It does concentrate on the relationship between Trillian and Arthur Dent (Watson from Sherlock; Martin Freeman) which doesn't even exist in the original trilogy. It does leave out some of my favorite scenes and anecdotes that made the books so readable. Even two headed Zaphod, so rec...ognizable from the BBC series seems to be missing something: a head. I was almost at the 'shout at the TV' with a rant at how the American film industry is killing our English culture in the effort to earn a dollar when something strange happened; I laughed. But that isn't surprising when we remember that Douglas Adams helped make this movie: co wrote the script and has an executive producer credit, so it can't be all that bad. When it finished with the obligatory set up for the sequel (if the dollars add up) I did feel satisfied enough to want more. I am a fan of the books and have been since I read the first one in one sitting as a teenager, and I have read and re read the whole trilogy, is it 5 or 6 books now! I recommend that you read them but this is a film club not a book club and I do recommend this movie to you, not as a great movie but a slightly better than average one.
For the geeks among us: try and spot the original Marvin robot; you'll get no points for spotting the cameo role from the original Arthur from the BBC series. (I do know it all started with the radio plays before anyone gets pedantic on my ass)
you will take from this what you bring with you, would fall flat on many a deaf brain but even without a babel fish the messages are clear, splendidly surreal and relentless in tipping sacred cows, added to my top 3 favourite films, in 3rd place, of course life of brain is 2nd.......................
If you have read the book or even seen the original BBC series you may want to steer clear of this movie. It does twist the plot to fit. It does concentrate on the relationship between Trillian and Arthur Dent (Watson from Sherlock; Martin Freeman) which doesn't even exist in the original trilogy. It does leave out some of my favorite scenes and anecdotes that made the books so readable. Even two headed Zaphod, so rec...ognizable from the BBC series seems to be missing something: a head. I was almost at the 'shout at the TV' with a rant at how the American film industry is killing our English culture in the effort to earn a dollar when something strange happened; I laughed. But that isn't surprising when we remember that Douglas Adams helped make this movie: co wrote the script and has an executive producer credit, so it can't be all that bad. When it finished with the obligatory set up for the sequel (if the dollars add up) I did feel satisfied enough to want more. I am a fan of the books and have been since I read the first one in one sitting as a teenager, and I have read and re read the whole trilogy, is it 5 or 6 books now! I recommend that you read them but this is a film club not a book club and I do recommend this movie to you, not as a great movie but a slightly better than average one.
For the geeks among us: try and spot the original Marvin robot; you'll get no points for spotting the cameo role from the original Arthur from the BBC series. (I do know it all started with the radio plays before anyone gets pedantic on my ass)
you will take from this what you bring with you, would fall flat on many a deaf brain but even without a babel fish the messages are clear, splendidly surreal and relentless in tipping sacred cows, added to my top 3 favourite films, in 3rd place, of course life of brain is 2nd.......................
MEANTIME by kudos
well this film stinks, stinks of stale tobacco and rotting ambition and hope, there is no plot it is a pure character study, which when you have Gary Oldman, Tim Roth and Alfred Molina filling some of the roles, works.
Set in the 80s on an east end estate that makes eastenders look like Dallas, Phil Daniels plays the lead as such but Tim Roth is the star (you wont recognise him as Tim Roth), as his retarded brother, the film is worth watching... just for Gary Oldman as Coxy, simple or insane I am not sure but stunning performance either way.
As I said no plot but there is some great scenes, the dole office, the lift and Coxy acting up in the flat are gripping to watch even if ever action, emotion is muted, other scenes can get suffocating, you are constantly reminded off the poverty, crushed ambition and removal of all hope
it is definitely worth a watch, the acting from Roth and Oldman is so far removed from what they are famous for
well this film stinks, stinks of stale tobacco and rotting ambition and hope, there is no plot it is a pure character study, which when you have Gary Oldman, Tim Roth and Alfred Molina filling some of the roles, works.
Set in the 80s on an east end estate that makes eastenders look like Dallas, Phil Daniels plays the lead as such but Tim Roth is the star (you wont recognise him as Tim Roth), as his retarded brother, the film is worth watching... just for Gary Oldman as Coxy, simple or insane I am not sure but stunning performance either way.
As I said no plot but there is some great scenes, the dole office, the lift and Coxy acting up in the flat are gripping to watch even if ever action, emotion is muted, other scenes can get suffocating, you are constantly reminded off the poverty, crushed ambition and removal of all hope
it is definitely worth a watch, the acting from Roth and Oldman is so far removed from what they are famous for
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
1st a disclaimer: 99.9% of American comedy is not funny in my opinion, Simpson’s, Sledgehammer and My Name is Earl are the only shows that spring to mind and cant think of a funny American film.
So I wasn't optimistic about this, add in I am not a Will Ferrell fan, I am surprised this made it into the dvd player
but what a joy, proper belly laugh and clever humour from start to finish and by all the cast which is rare, some of the best laughs come from the minor roles, the team owners wife orgasm had me roaring. The material mocking some American ideals worked very well, the grace scene with the baby Jesus and the gay kiss must have a hit a few American nerves.
So as a comedy it suited my British sense of humour and if you are not a motorsport fan then don't worry the film stands on its comedy value alone.
IF you are a motorsport fan you are in for a treat, the access they must have got to NASCAR is unbelievable, the racing and crashes makes “Days of thunder” look like “Driving miss daisy” and some great in jokes about motorsport ie cutting to the ads during a crucial moment of the race. The last racing sequence was better than anything I saw in “Rush”
just thought of a funny American film “Airplane” and it is the same style of humour.
Don't turn off straight away, out take reel is worth a watch
1st a disclaimer: 99.9% of American comedy is not funny in my opinion, Simpson’s, Sledgehammer and My Name is Earl are the only shows that spring to mind and cant think of a funny American film.
So I wasn't optimistic about this, add in I am not a Will Ferrell fan, I am surprised this made it into the dvd player
but what a joy, proper belly laugh and clever humour from start to finish and by all the cast which is rare, some of the best laughs come from the minor roles, the team owners wife orgasm had me roaring. The material mocking some American ideals worked very well, the grace scene with the baby Jesus and the gay kiss must have a hit a few American nerves.
So as a comedy it suited my British sense of humour and if you are not a motorsport fan then don't worry the film stands on its comedy value alone.
IF you are a motorsport fan you are in for a treat, the access they must have got to NASCAR is unbelievable, the racing and crashes makes “Days of thunder” look like “Driving miss daisy” and some great in jokes about motorsport ie cutting to the ads during a crucial moment of the race. The last racing sequence was better than anything I saw in “Rush”
just thought of a funny American film “Airplane” and it is the same style of humour.
Don't turn off straight away, out take reel is worth a watch
BRAVE HEART by Michael Johnston
braveheart ...the emotions during and after the film blew me away also seeing it with a gang of scotts whilst working in Germany may have helped and the threat of them killing the English swayed me, i know people go on about historical inaccuracies and some continuity errors but its just the best !
braveheart ...the emotions during and after the film blew me away also seeing it with a gang of scotts whilst working in Germany may have helped and the threat of them killing the English swayed me, i know people go on about historical inaccuracies and some continuity errors but its just the best !
Monday, 20 January 2014
It is a tricky film to review after all its nearly 60 years old, some of the acting from the supporting cast is as wooden as the toys of that era, the dialogue is cheesy but you can see why James Dean is such a icon even today, that boy would look cool tripping over his own feet and could charm the knickers off a nun, shame he couldnt drive as well as he could act.
I really enjoyed it, some stunning American cars and Mr Dean is very watchable as the troubled teenager and was strange to see Dennis Hopper as a teenager.
Other films do the whole teenager angst better, Badlands is certainly a better film but that and the likes of grease, footloose and even twilight etc owe a debt to this, so worth seeing as this was ground zero for films about teenage life
I really enjoyed it, some stunning American cars and Mr Dean is very watchable as the troubled teenager and was strange to see Dennis Hopper as a teenager.
Other films do the whole teenager angst better, Badlands is certainly a better film but that and the likes of grease, footloose and even twilight etc owe a debt to this, so worth seeing as this was ground zero for films about teenage life

Trevor a 16 year old with a swastika between the eyes hates authority. Trevor is angry and on the road to prison despite the system's attempt to push him back into obeying the rules. His violence is destructive with a passion for the sound of breaking glass. Tim Roth, his first movie, is the only reason to watch this movie. He scowls, grimaces, looks smug and even once he actually looks like he's enjoying his life but that doesn't last too long. Romper Stomper it is not but it does explore similar themes.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
What a shocking, bone crunching film that slips in some ideas on celebrity worship, population control and holds up a mirror to reality tv............before reality tv could be reflected in its modern form
its a film of 2 halves
in this age when CGI can created anything on screen this shows how knowing it is real still beats the smoke and mirrors of the computer effects, you feel every hit, punch, crash, you feel the jeopardy of the charactors and the actors who did this for real, how they filmed some of these sequences without CGI is jaw-dropping............this is not a film which has “no actors were hurt in the production” as a tag line
social science fiction/prediction, nearly 40 years ago this film predicts WE will not rely on books, acquired knowledge but instead any question we ask is directed to a computer programme that gives us an answer, back then it was called to see what we have today
did find it funny that the sets and furniture did look just the same as a walk through a modern day IKEA, there is no future just the same ideas and ideals being recycled
40 years ahead of its time, so now is a good time to watch it
LINCOLN by Nigel Hare
I understand why the Oscar was won by Daniel Day-Lewis In the hour that I watched his performance was excellent. But I could only manage an hour! Tedious is the only word I could use to described this epic.
I understand why the Oscar was won by Daniel Day-Lewis In the hour that I watched his performance was excellent. But I could only manage an hour! Tedious is the only word I could use to described this epic.
BORAT by kudos
Kudos Tube
BORAT, it could be reviewed as a toe curling shocking comedy that relies on offence for its laughs but it more than that, how much is scripted and how much is real is hard to tell but there was several legal cases brought by people featured in the film, claiming they or their views were misrepresented, yes Borat himself could be hated for what he does and says but what is more shocking is the “publics” honest views and responses, what is worse? being idiot or finding common ground with an idiot
underneath the veneer of gross out comedy is an insight into the more gross and inexcusable views of some people who live in 1st world countries, the “fish out of water” comedy scenes are brilliant and only someone like Sacha baron Cohen could pull them off, any shame is sacrificed for laughs but when the laughing stops it is the actions of the supporting 'cast' that shock the most..............and the naked wrestling scene that ends up in a lift which was shocking on all levels, literately
BORAT, it could be reviewed as a toe curling shocking comedy that relies on offence for its laughs but it more than that, how much is scripted and how much is real is hard to tell but there was several legal cases brought by people featured in the film, claiming they or their views were misrepresented, yes Borat himself could be hated for what he does and says but what is more shocking is the “publics” honest views and responses, what is worse? being idiot or finding common ground with an idiot
underneath the veneer of gross out comedy is an insight into the more gross and inexcusable views of some people who live in 1st world countries, the “fish out of water” comedy scenes are brilliant and only someone like Sacha baron Cohen could pull them off, any shame is sacrificed for laughs but when the laughing stops it is the actions of the supporting 'cast' that shock the most..............and the naked wrestling scene that ends up in a lift which was shocking on all levels, literately
PRICK UP YOUR EARS by Nigel Hare + Kudos
Joe (John) Orton The highly acclaimed Leicester playwright is the center of this bio film. It is a witty romp through his relationship with Kenneth who ultimately brutally murders him before taking his own life. London may have been swinging at the time but being gay was still outlawed and this film takes you into that underworld lifestyle mostly in gentleman's urinals. Gary Oldman's performance as Joe is skillful but, for me, he is out shone by Alfred Molina as his 'friend'. Beginning the movie as a pompous, repressed mentor he becomes this tense, resentful bald man ignored by the creative world he believes he should be shining in. A highly entertaining film.
Joe (John) Orton The highly acclaimed Leicester playwright is the center of this bio film. It is a witty romp through his relationship with Kenneth who ultimately brutally murders him before taking his own life. London may have been swinging at the time but being gay was still outlawed and this film takes you into that underworld lifestyle mostly in gentleman's urinals. Gary Oldman's performance as Joe is skillful but, for me, he is out shone by Alfred Molina as his 'friend'. Beginning the movie as a pompous, repressed mentor he becomes this tense, resentful bald man ignored by the creative world he believes he should be shining in. A highly entertaining film.
1st thing this must have been a brave film to put out in the late 80s, some today would still find the themes and scenes offensive, personally the only thing I find offensive was some of the wallpaper, which was truly shocking.
I knew nothing about Joe Orton, judging him on this film he was a selfish, egotistic and bloody minded in pursuit of his own fame and any cost, never a thought for the people he was treading on, ...
Halliwell is a far more interesting character, awkward and any confidence he had crushed by Joe, this is the film that launched Alfred Molina career and I can see why, the first time he is on screen you know you are in for a treat, describing what he has done that day.
It is pretty sordid in its tone, sometimes too much, some of the sex scenes could have been dropped to give more time to see the two main characters together and the end seemed rushed.........but guess most murders are rushed.
On a lighter side you can play a great game of “spot the 80s TV star”............
cheers Nigel, would never have watched it and glad I did, lifted a stone to reveal a world I knew nothing about, if you liked the darker elements of trainspotting then this is worth a go.
1st thing this must have been a brave film to put out in the late 80s, some today would still find the themes and scenes offensive, personally the only thing I find offensive was some of the wallpaper, which was truly shocking.
I knew nothing about Joe Orton, judging him on this film he was a selfish, egotistic and bloody minded in pursuit of his own fame and any cost, never a thought for the people he was treading on, ...
Halliwell is a far more interesting character, awkward and any confidence he had crushed by Joe, this is the film that launched Alfred Molina career and I can see why, the first time he is on screen you know you are in for a treat, describing what he has done that day.
It is pretty sordid in its tone, sometimes too much, some of the sex scenes could have been dropped to give more time to see the two main characters together and the end seemed rushed.........but guess most murders are rushed.
On a lighter side you can play a great game of “spot the 80s TV star”............
cheers Nigel, would never have watched it and glad I did, lifted a stone to reveal a world I knew nothing about, if you liked the darker elements of trainspotting then this is worth a go.
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