Sunday, 23 February 2014

WORLD WAR Z byNigel Hare & Kudos

WORLD WAR Z by Nigel Hare

From the moment I saw George A Romero 'Dawn of the Dead' I've been a fan of Zombie movies. WWZ has changed the genre, given it new rules that future zombie movies must adhere to if they want credibility. Gone are zombies that you can knock to the ground and escape from; changed into a snapping jawed white water human torrent. Kudos hit the nail on the head with his review with tension far outweighing the gore and the movie is much the better for that direction. I'm off to secure and sound prove my house, build up my food supply and if anyone knows a source for a good disease let me know please. A must watch movie!

WORLD WAR Z by Kudos

Very easy film to review, stick the DVD in and enjoy the ride, doesn’t have the claustrophobic jeopardy of 28 days or the bite of walking dead BUT borrows from both and adds in a huge chunk of ambition............less than 2 hours to explore a global pandemic and never gets bogged down on the science or politics, they are there but they are elements that your brain will explore after the film...........the last 20 minutes in the welsh lab are as tense as a 70s DJ waiting for a knock on the door. There is flaws but the pace and tension never lets you ponder on them whilst watching..........this is my forte in films and I have no hesitation in recommending it

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