Thursday, 20 March 2014

THE ROAD by Kudos

THE ROAD nowhere

by Kudos

I braced myself for this film, set after a global doomsday event it follows the trek of a father and son to find................well it wasn,'t any emotion, never troubled my tear ducts, never lift my heart rate above sleep level, never once did I care about the father who every step of the way made the wrong choice, oh and there was a lot of steps, and sleeping and more steps, it would be more tense watching a marathon in reverse in slow motion.
It is a tribute to all involved that they managed to make the end of the world less interesting than the spider that was walking across my carpet whilst  I was watching, the spider achieved more and did it in less time.
Stuck with it right to the end............and to be fair I loved the ending, never have I been so happy to see the end credits, eject the dvd and throw it out onto the street in the hope every car going passed ground it into the tarmac

If I wanted to watched some scruffy IQ challenged moron pushing a trolley for 2 hours then I certainly don't need to pay for the pleasure, we have 24 supermarkets now and sure I would be more entertained hanging around the local Tescos at 3am in the morning

I wish I had followed Charlize Therons  example, walked out early even if it meant certain death, at least it would have been quick and spared me this trek............the guy even made his own death dull.

Devoid of any plot, devoid of any back story, devoid on any emotion.......just avoid.


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